Friday, February 10, 2012

SCBWI Golden Kite Award poster by John Parra

Each year SCBWI features their Golden Kite Award winning books on a full color poster illustrated by one of their members. The 2011 Poster was illustrated by 2010 Golden Kite Picture Book Award winning illustrator John Parra.

In addition, the artwork from this limited edition poster will be recognized in the upcoming May/June 2011 Communication Arts Illustration Annual, a prestigious publication that highlights the best in illustration from the past year. 
John has also been seen in Directory of Illustration and as always, Directory of Illustration will be featured in the inside cover of this year's CA Illustration Annual. 
Congratulations John!!

The Golden Kite Award posters are free to public libraries and independent bookstores and cost $10 for current SCBWI members (postage included).

If anyone would like to order a poster please email SCBWI for more information.

SCBWI Golden Kite Award poster by John Parra

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Illustrator Abbe Sennett designs Medical ID jewelry to support cancer survivors

Abbe Sennett, illustrator and cancer survivor, is the designer behind these beautiful Medical ID bracelets. Abbe comes from a successful career as a renowned commercial illustrator for Fortune 500 companies as well as a professional Fine Artist. After her recovery and with the help of her husband creative director, Olaf Moetus she found a new niche for her creativity and decided to make a contribution to society. She became aware of too many medically challenged people refusing to wear a life saving bracelet because it was ugly, and drew too much attention their condition. Abbe created a fashionable medical bracelet system that helps hide its true purpose, all the while keeping people safe. She brings an incredible eye for an elegant, tasteful jewelry collection, artfully created with an inspired vision.